Saturday, November 8, 2008

Nothing new

I've been busy trying to find out exactly where I'd like to study, but until now I've really not found the exact learning center. I expect to pay for the education, however some places really don't offer much for the $$ they are charging.

So, as result, there's nothing new.

On to another topic. I've also been studying retirement and ways to make sure my funds will be able to last for another couple decades after I retire. Of course, I probably won't retire early, in fact it probably won't be until I'm 65/66 because of social security rules. It's a fascinating topic and one I'm trying to understand. With the bear market, it's a perfect time to buy stocks. The prices are low for companies that are worth much more than the current stock price. It's pretty obvious that if you have extra funds you should be buying stocks. Even Warren Buffet, the stock market master is buying now. He hasn't bought stocks for many years, has had his money in bonds, but he says he'll be investing now that the markets are depressed.

So....I'm working hard at using all the calculators available to work up a viable retirement plan. Doesnt' it seem odd that I'm thinking about this? I've never planned so much in my life!
Ray says he wants to live in the south during the cold winters. I'm not sure we can save enough to do that, but it's worth a try! Especially when he wins the lottery! HA!

Okay...back to green thinking....

Happy trails!

1 comment:

zannster said...

Well I guess you need to pick somewhere cheap, like southern Texas. ;)