Friday, March 27, 2009

Spring is almost here!

I'm getting into the spring cleaning mode. Tomorrow is Saturday and I don't have to work, so I think I'll begin. I've been thinking about how much cleaning I need to do and have been wondering when I would find time to do it. I think the most important thing is to just get started! A little bit everyday would take me quite a way down the road.

So, about the education thing. I really want to learn more about growing things. I did look at some online courses, as well as maybe some long distance ones. I'm not sure I like the tuition thing, so....huh. Maybe I could learn quite a bit from googling separate areas of interest. I bet there is a ton of stuff on wikipedia. Anyway, I still want to learn more and get some great stuff growing in the yard.

If any of you should find any great sites that you think I would like, please put a link on my blog. I'd love to go and visit all I can....

The husband says it's time to eat (yes, he's cooking and it smells good!) so I'll talk to you all later!

1 comment:

Gabbi said...

This one looks fun :)