Tuesday, April 13, 2010

So much to do!

It seems there isn't as much muscle to go around in my garden! I have been raking, dividing hostas and replanting as well as collecting all the winter debris. Spring is really my favorite season as everything turns green again and blooms or begins budding and growing!

My classes are going great...I spend a lot of time on the train reading and re-reading my books. There are so many great ideas in these books, I've begun to make a list of plants I want. Because I have a really shady corner, I think I'll start a fern garden there. So many different ones are available that I'll have plenty to pick from. If you have a really shady place, or a place with dappled sunshine, ferns are very carefree and require little attention after planting. They make a great addition to the garden with many different shades of green and textures. Some are huge, up to 12 feet tall, and some are tiny just barely 2-3 inches. They pair up great with spring bulbs, or perennials for spring through summer color.

Enjoy this best season of the year (and be ready for some sore muscles) when everything begins to grow!


Unknown said...

I tried to plant some ferns by one of our trees, and they never came up. I think they weren't that great to begin with.. they came from the same catalog where I bought a bunch of stuff, and NONE of it survived. I'll get them from Earl May next time. :)

Grandma's Garden said...

I think ferns are kinda picky. But, sometimes the weather isn't kind to them either.