Monday, May 10, 2010


So, with this cooler May, I'm waiting for any more additions to my garden! Seems like Mother Nature is trying to tell me to slooooowww dooooowwwnnnnnnn. Sorry, can't do that!

While the weather has been cool, I've been cleaning up areas of the garden that has plenty of sticks and branches blown down. I'll be putting those through the shredder for additional mulch! I also have been surging forward in my studies for Gardening and Landscaping. Now I know for sure that my Dad is a very smart guy. I keep reading over and over how things are done that he already did when I was growing up.

Be sure to watch the lows in temperature and cover your tender plants or bring them in if they're not too heavy. I still have a patio hibiscus in my front room!

Don't let this cool weather get you down, soon enough we'll be turning on the AC to cool off after an afternoon of weeding and watering.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hmm... I guess it's good that I didn't get anything planted yet. There was FROST on the ground this morning. Brian did plant some of my stuff in a big wooden box on the deck yesterday. :)